Animals That Eat Flowers

Animals That Eat Flowers

Flowers are an essential part of the natural world, providing food for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. But did you know that some animals also eat flowers? While some animals may nibble on petals or sip nectar, there are a few that actively seek out flowers as a source of food. Here are some of the animals that eat flowers, as well as some tips and ideas on how you can attract them to your garden.


Birds are some of the most common animals that eat flowers. Hummingbirds and orioles are particularly fond of nectar-rich flowers, while starlings, blackbirds, and sparrows will eat the petals and seeds of certain flowers. To attract these birds to your garden, try planting flowers that produce lots of nectar, such as bee balm, columbine, and larkspur. You can also provide a bird feeder filled with sunflower seeds and other bird-friendly snacks.

Butterflies and Moths

Butterflies and moths are also attracted to the nectar of certain flowers. To attract these delicate insects to your garden, try planting flowers that produce lots of nectar, such as phlox, asters, and coneflowers. You can also provide a shallow dish of sugar water for them to sip from. Be sure to keep the dish filled, as butterflies and moths will fly away if they can’t find any nectar.


Bees are among the best-known animals that eat flowers. Bees feed on the nectar of certain flowers, while their larvae feed on the pollen. To attract bees to your garden, try planting flowers that produce lots of nectar, such as daisies, clover, and lavender. You can also provide a shallow dish of sugar water for them to sip from.


Squirrels are animals that eat flowers as well. They typically eat the petals and seeds of certain flowers, such as daffodils and tulips. To attract squirrels to your garden, try planting flowers that produce lots of edible petals and seeds, such as marigolds and pansies. You can also provide a shallow dish of nuts and other snacks for them to nibble on.


Deer are also animals that eat flowers. They typically prefer to eat the petals and leaves of certain flowers, such as lilies and roses. To attract deer to your garden, try planting flowers that produce lots of edible petals and leaves, such as daisies and dandelions. You can also provide a shallow dish of fruit and other snacks for them to nibble on.


Rabbits are another type of animal that eats flowers. They typically prefer to eat the petals and leaves of certain flowers, such as violets and pansies. To attract rabbits to your garden, try planting flowers that produce lots of edible petals and leaves, such as lilies and daffodils. You can also provide a shallow dish of vegetables and other snacks for them to nibble on.

Tips and Ideas for Attracting Animals That Eat Flowers

Here are some tips and ideas for attracting animals that eat flowers to your garden:

  • Plant flowers that produce lots of nectar, petals, and/or seeds. Some examples include bee balm, columbine, larkspur, phlox, asters, coneflowers, daisies, clover, lavender, marigolds, pansies, lilies, roses, violets, and daffodils.

  • Provide a shallow dish of sugar water, nuts, fruit, or vegetables for the animals to snack on.

  • Provide a bird feeder filled with sunflower seeds and other bird-friendly snacks.

  • Avoid using pesticides or other chemicals on your flowers, as these can be harmful to the animals.

By planting flowers that produce lots of nectar, petals, and/or seeds, and providing a shallow dish of snacks, you can attract a wide variety of animals that eat flowers to your garden. Enjoy watching these animals as they enjoy your flowers!

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